Urban Design and Master Planning
Transforming the systems, places, and spaces that foster thriving communities

675 Middlefield: Holistic placemaking and urban design that is people-centric and experientially rich
Mixed-use blocks within Mountain View’s transitioning East Whisman area focus on human-scale experience as well as transit and active mobility lifestyles, while providing much needed affordable housing to the Bay Area.
- Location: Mountain View, California
- Client: Prometheus Real Estate Group
- Key Stats: 10.6 ac project area, 716 residential units, 144 affordable units, 267ksf office, 1,250 sf retail
- Entitled 2023, Ongoing Implementation
The spaces between the places
We work at the intersection of architecture, infrastructure, and public policy, paying as much attention to vision and strategy, and interstitial spaces as we do to the buildings that surround them. Urban design plans are implemented over time by a variety of change agents: developers, planners, public agencies, architects, landscape architects, engineers, citizens, artists, politicians, and others.
Village at Lagoon Valley: Nature in the city and the next generation of live-work
The Village at Lagoon Valley updates a traditional office park and highway-based development to reflect the wants and needs of today’s employee by focusing on frictionless movement, repurposing a golf area into active open space and habitat, and clustering uses to create a village center.
- Location: Vacaville, California
- Client: Triad Development Inc
- Key Stats: 29.1 ac project area, 9.0 ac public open space, 700ksf office & biotech, 50ksf commercial, 227 dwellings
- Entitled 2022, Ongoing Implementation

Quigley Farm Master Plan: Urban metabolism and a new mixed-use community rooted in regenerative design.
Quigley Farm is a self-sustaining community featuring a small commercial core, housing, organic food production, an agricultural center, and an ecologically-centered local school. This unique place-based community highlights ecology, historic culture, and the evolution of land use.
- Location: Hailey, Idaho
- Client: Quigley Foundation
- Key Stats: 1,500 ac project area,
- Entitled 2016
The Eugene Riverfront District Master Plan: Reestablishing a city’s connection to its historic lifeblood by considering "where the city meets the river."
The Eugene Riverfront Master Plan is an example of what’s possible with smart, flexible infrastructure. The plan provides for pedestrian-friendly streets, an extension of existing retail vibrancy, and urban housing, all with a connection to nature that recognizes the diverse, historic importance of the river.
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
- Client: Atkins Dame, Inc.
- Key Stats: 20 ac project area, 4.4ac public open space, 420-1213 residential units, 11-22k sf retail
- Entitled 2018